2013 Robert Steele Reflections on [Search:] non+traditional+threat 1.2

ROBERT STEELE:  I have elected to answer this personally.  It may well be the most fundamental question this web site has received in that any corruption in the answer to this question assures the failure of any strategy, policy, acquisition, or operation that is spawned from an inherently corrupt — a deliberately corrupt — refusal …

SchwartzReport: Corrupt Ratings Agency Enabled by Corrupt Government

Here is the final bit explaining the complete corruption of the financial sector; it deals with the debasing of the the rating agencies. It is blatantly obvious from many sources that the Obama Administration Justice Department has failed to serve the public interest. We are five years past the 2008 meltdown, and it cannot be …

Paul Craig Roberts: Alternative Negative View of Latest Jobs Report

June 7, 2013. The payroll jobs report for May released today continues the fantasy. Goods producing jobs declined, with manufacturing losing another 4,000 jobs, but the New Economy produced 179,000 service jobs. Are these jobs the high-powered, high-wage “innovation jobs” that economists promised would be our reward from Globalism. I’m afraid not. According to the …

Benjamin Fulford: ZIonists Defeated, China and Russia Playing Smart, Western Banking in Panic — $1 Billion Bet on US Stock Market Crashing Soon — Internal War within USG Between DHS and Everyone Else

Cabal purge starts in the UK, what about the US? By Benjamin Fulford  9 May 2013 One of the world’s leading terrorists, the mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against …

SchwartzReports: No One Trusts the Federal Governments or Corporations — and Growing Public Movement to Divest from Fossil Fuels and Refuse GMOs

More on the the growing Great Schism Trend. Much of this shift in attitude results from the growing disaffection people feel about the Federal government. There is a price to no one ever being held accountable for the financial meltdown, or the constant reminders of the government’s corruption, coupled with the increasing awareness of the …

Neal Rauhauser: DataScienceCentral, LinkedIn, Wrong Tool

DataScienceCentral Users – No Klout Via LinkedIn The retrieval of 11,712 DataScienceCentral profiles completed earlier today. I found about 2,600 instances of ‘linkedin’ when I checked the extract dt/dd files. I rigged up a bunch of awk statements and distilled that down to about 900 DSC userids and the associated plain text LinkedIn userids. I skipped …