Alternative Currencies

Tuesday, 22 March 2011 Global Guerrillas JOURNAL: Alternative Currencies Spent some time talking with some smart folks working on alternative currencies in  SFO.  Here’s the conclusions from this conversation.  Alternative currencies can do three things: 1. Serve as a store of value.  Presumably, this currency holds value better than existing currencies.  In this way, it …

Reference: Open Source Insurgency

2010-12-04 How WikiLeaks builds a global open source insurgency 2010-11-21 Global Guerrillas (John Robb) on Open Source Jihad 2010-03-12 JOURNAL: OSW Standing Orders (11 of them) 2010-02-16 dkgreenroots: oil addiction,  open source insurgency & black swans: Part II 2009-11-17 Open Source Insurgency through Software Tools 2009-09-14  An Early Plan for Open Source Peaceful Evolution 2008-03-23 …

Whither Egypt – and its Torturer Vice President

Egypt: Exchanging a Dictator for a Torturer By James Ridgeway, Mother Jones, Thu Feb. 3, 2011 8:30 AM PST As for Suleiman, he looks to be a nasty piece of work. Egyptian Protests Grounded in Decades of Struggle; Portend Regional Transformation Max Ajl, Truthout, 03 February 2011 Egypt is throbbing with resistance. Cairo is cloven between the …