Review: Unvaccinated, Homeschooled, and TV-Free–It’s Not Just for Fanatics and Zealots

Beyond Six Stars–a Game Changer, Pure Public Intelligence March 15, 2010 Julie Cook This book will join the Six Stars and Beyond group at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, where I can group my reviews in the 98 categories in which I read and you can do a whole lot of other things …

Journal: The Looting of America Continues…

The MICC Moves to Hose the Taxpayer One More Time Eisenhower’s Nightmare Arrives By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Dwight D. Eisenhower,  …

True Cost: Cost of food-borne illnesses is deemed much higher than earlier estimates

Among the food scares in recent years was a deadly E. coli outbreak tied to spinach. In most cases, it’s unknown how or why people get ill from what they eat. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images / September 15, 2006) Phi Beta Iota: The second sentence is ignorant.  It is well-known that between industrial farming …

Journal: Stronger Signals of Armed Anger in USA

There is a new nation-wide movement striving to innoculate the National Guard as well as state and local police forces against illegal orders from the Pentagon and the White House.  The basic loyalty to the Republic Oath elements are below.  This comes in reaction to three distinct tangibles and one unverified but provocative intangible that …

Search: osint cycle

Most interesting.  This is two different concepts that need to be broken out. Intelligence Cycle with Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). When used as a stand-alone discipline–OSINT is the only all-source intelligence discipline that is ALSO a “full-spectrum” multi-INT in its own right with commercial imagery, commercial signals monitoring, commercial measurement & signatures–the OSINT “cycle” is …