Sepp Hasslberger: Is the Economy About Finance for the 1% or Bien Estar (Well-Being) for the 99%?

What’s the economy all about … is it people, or finance? Because You’re Worthless – Challenging The Current Economic System in 3 Minutes Poem by Agnes Török on the news of a new Conservative budget. Based on experiences of living in Britain under austerity as a young, queer, unemployed, female immigrant student – and not …

Mongoose: 0.01% Own US Government — But 99% Could Easily Out-Spend, Not Just Out-Vote That Plutocratic Minority…

The Richest 0.01 Percent of Americans Gave 42 Percent of Political Donations in 2012 It should come as no surprise that policymakers look after the ultra-wealthy instead of the rest of us. By Stephen Wolf / DailyKos EXTRACT Candidates devote 80 percent of their time to begging rich people for money. Any extremist Republican can …

Antechinus: TPP Legal Attrocity — Parallel Legal System Joins Existing 1% versus 99% “Divide” to Further Screw the Public

TPP Leak Reveals Extraordinary New Powers for Thousands of Foreign Firms to Challenge U.S. Policies and Demand Taxpayer Compensation Unveiling of Parallel Legal System for Foreign Corporations Will Fuel TPP Controversy, Further Complicate Obama’s Push for Fast Track The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s (TPP) Investment Chapter, leaked today, reveals how the pact would make it easier for …

SchwartzReport: American War Machine — Cash Cow for the 1% Swath of Destruction for the 99%

You would think it would be obvious by now that the trillions of dollars we spend on the military industrial complex and its wars are not making us safer and that our geopolitical strategy is not producing the outcomes we seek. How the American War Machine Is Sucking Up Vast Amounts of Cash to Screw …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data VERACITY & VALUE Join Volume, Variety, & Velocity (V5) — And We Still Only Process 1%…

VVVVV and Big Data Somewhere along the line a marketer cooked up volume, variety, and velocity to describe Big Data. Well, VVV is good but now we have VVVVV. Want to know more about “value” and “veracity”? Navigate to “2 More Big Data V’s—Value and Veracity.” The new Vs are slippery. How does one demonstrate …