Matt Taibbi: Ponzi Journalism

Ponzi Journalism News in the Trump years became a narrative drama, with each day advancing a tale of worsening political emergency, driven by subplots involving familiar casts of characters, in the manner of episodic television. It worked, but news directors and editors hit a stumbling block. If you cover everything like there’s no tomorrow, what …

Matt Ehret: What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want You To Understand About Economics

What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want You To Understand About Economics Let me just state outright: That while the coronavirus may in fact be the catalyzer for the oncoming financial blowout, it is the height of stupidity to believe that it is the cause, as the seeds of the crisis goes deeper and originated …

Steven Vervaecke: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 2

The wallstreetboys reddit gamestop saga has been interesting. But the next chapter will be far more interesting. The elite have striken back very agressive after being taken in total surprise. the robin hood app have forced all the gamestop traders to sell their shares instead of holding it. with some futher manipulation the elite where …