Robert Steele: “I Told You So” — From Elections to Yahoo, Everyone Has Been Grossly Irresponsible on Cyber-Security

The below letter was sent to the White House point person for cyber-security in 1994. I introduced NSA to hackers (they brought two bus-loads to my 1993 conference), co-founded the Information Warfare Conference with Winn Schwartau, and was the opening speaker at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) in 1994. Apart from ignoring us entirely — …

Robert Steele: Why Have the Rothschilds Not Been Assassinated? A Chinese Perspective Combined with Truth & Reconciliation

ROBERT STEELE: I grew up in Asia and returned to Asia as a Marine Corps officer. It has been my privilege to be educated in Singapore as well as Viet-Nam, Thailand, and the Philippines, and I count among my long-standing colleagues some people with access to the Lee Kuan Yew (RIP) network. As Lee Kuan …

Mongoose: EPA Finally Admits that Pesticides Kill Bees

The EPA Finally Admitted That the World’s Most Popular Pesticide Kills Bees—20 Years Too Late Bees are dying in record numbers—and now the government admits that an extremely common pesticide is at least partially to blame. For more than a decade, the Environmental Protection Agency has been under pressure from environmentalists and beekeepers to reconsider …

Adam Tucker: Diamonds and War — How De Beers Supplied Hitler, Diddled the USA, and Confounded the OSS

A must read. The strategic importance of diamonds became acutely clear to both the Allies and Axis powers with the approach of the Second World War in 1939. Only diamonds were hard enough to stamp out the millions of precision parts that were necessary for mass-producing airplane engines, torpedoes, tanks, artillery and the other weapons …

SchwartzReport: EPA Blocks New Bee-Killing Pesticides But Protects Existing Pesticides

This is the current state of neonicotinoid regulation in the U.S., and it is rather pathetic. Like DDT even skeptics now have to deal with the research on  neonicotinoids, because the evidence for the harm they do  is overwhelming. But it is easy to see the hand of special interests in this moratorium. Products already …