EVENT: 20 Jan 2016 London Call for Papers Decentralizing the Commons and the Internet

Call for Papers: Decentralizing the Commons These centralized choke-points can be used by governments to increase surveillance (as disclosed by the Snowden revelations), to blackout the Internet (e.g. Egypt, Syria, or San Francisco’s BART), or to restrict the activities of activist organizations (such as Wikileaks). It has now become clear that it is not enough to develop free/libre/open …

Michel Bauwens: Top Ten P2P Trends of 2014

Top Ten P2P Trends of 2014 1. Reaching of the tipping point for (distributed) renewable energy 2. The rise of open cooperatives and ethical enterpreneurial coalitions 3. The emergence of cryptoledger applications and a crypto-currency for the commons 4. Cities and Countries of the Commons

Finn Jackson: Can Monasteries Be a Model for Reclaiming Tech Culture for Good?

This article describes an initiative more in line with the approach I would take: “find a place with unmet needs and unused space to lend a building to a group of young hackers. Live together cheaply, building open-source infrastructure for the commons. Repeat until it becomes a network.” Can Monasteries Be a Model for Reclaiming …

Berto Jongman: Naomi Klein on Capitalism versus Climate Change — a “People’s Shock” Coming? Robert Steele Disagrees — Precipitants of Revolution Missing

“Worth a look.” Naomi Klein to Degrowth Conference: Climate Change Can Deliver ‘People’s Shock’ Status quo is not an option if we are to rein in runaway emissions, This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. the Climate author says in address to conference “You’re having the core conversation of our time.” That was the message delivered on …

Jean Lievens: The Sharability of Almost Everything — One Big Idea That Will Change the World

The ‘sharability’ of almost everything Bronwen Rees At the beginning of 2014, Time named collaborative consumption as one of the “10 ideas that will change the world.” Collaborative consumption describes a shift in consumer values, from ownership to access. Together, communities and even entire cities are using less by renting, sharing, swapping and bartering products …