Steven Aftergood: CRS: Space Forces Must Be Approved and Funded by Congress PBI: Existing Secret Space Forces are Unconstitutional

The Congressional Research Service says that, as a constitutional matter, it will be up to Congress to determine whether and how to reorganize the management of US national security assets in space, and whether to establish a new “space force,” as the Trump Administration has proposed. “The constitutional framework appears to contemplate that the role …

Robert Steele: Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un, Billy Graham — The Christian Back Story Underlying the Koreas Unification

I am constantly impressed by “Sorcha Faal.” Despite being a known fabricator, the quality of the narratives and the integrity of the links used to support the narrative are very valuable — far more valuable than, say, anything from Crap News Network (CNN) or anything in the President’s Daily Brief (PDB). “Deep State” Goes Into …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Modes of Constitutional Interpretation

MODES OF CONSTITUTIONAL INTERPRETATION The US Constitution leaves many basic questions of constitutional law unanswered, whether because they could not be anticipated or because the text is broadly worded or ambiguous. Consequently, “Interpretation is necessary to determine the meaning of ambiguous provisions of the Constitution or to answer fundamental questions left unaddressed by the drafters,” …

Steven Aftergood: Foreign Agents Registration Act

FOREIGN AGENTS REGISTRATION ACT “In the wake of the 2016 election, concerns have been raised with respect to the legal regime governing foreign influence in domestic politics,” a new report from the Congressional Research Service notes. “The central law concerning the activities of the agents of foreign entities acting in the United States is the …