David Isenberg: Private Military Contractors (PMC) – A Stake in the Heart of DoD and USG

  Negative Views of Civilian and Private Security Contractors Concerns over their cost effectiveness and strategic value make the deployment of PMSCs a risky proposition. More worryingly, argues David Isenberg, is that they may permit governments to circumnavigate democratic debates over the necessity of sending armed forces into battle. By David Isenberg for the ISN …

David Isenberg: President Wants What IC Cannot Give – With Comment by Robert Steele

President Obama Wants Smartphones, Tablets To Improve Intel Monitoring: Sez Head of White House Communications Agency WASHINGTON: When the Presidential Daily Briefing occurs, a top intelligence official traditionally hands the president a folder with a sheaf of paper inside. The president may read what’s inside or have it presented by the intelligence official. Then comes …

David Isenberg: NATO Connects with Open Source Everything Meme

James Stavridis: How NATO’s Supreme Commander thinks about global security Imagine a global security driven by collaboration — among agencies, government, the private sector and the public. That’s not just the distant hope of open-source fans, it’s the vision of James Stavridis, the Supreme Commander of NATO, who shares vivid moments from recent military history …

David Isenberg: What the US Government Knew About PMC Slave-Trade & Atrocities – The Case of Najlaa

What the U.S. Government Knew About Najlaa Huffington Post, 11 July 2012 A bit over a year ago a report I co-wrote, documenting human trafficking and abuse of workers by Najlaa International Catering Services, a KBR subcontractor, was published by the Project on Government Oversight. The internal company documents I uncovered revealed, among other things, …

David Isenberg: Private Military Corporations – The Worst of All Evils

PMSC Not Ready for U.N. Prime Time Huffington Post, 11 July 2012 For many years now, private military and security contractor (PMSC) advocates have argued that utilization of PMSC in United Nations peace operations offers an alternative to doing nothing or trying to organize a frequently dysfunctional U.N.-sponsored, often ill-equipped and organized intervention. Indeed, about …