Yoda: Exascale by 2020? No Way, Jose! Four Socko Graphics and Bottom Line Upfront — Human Brain Still a Million Times More Power Efficient

Mind-shift, must have. Supercomputing director bets $2,000 that we won’t have exascale computing by 2020 Joel Hruska ExtremeTech, 17 May 2013 Over the past year, we’ve covered a number of the challenges facing the supercomputing industry in its efforts to hit exascale compute levels by the end of the decade. The problem has been widely …

Yoda: Hypertemporal Multispectral Imaging & Intelligence

Fun this is. Hypertemporal imaging: the next Big Challenge for high-performance embedded computing By John Keller, Editor Military & Aerospace Electronics, 1 April 2014 It might be a fun exercise to sit with the leading practitioners of high-performance embedded computing (HPEC) to trade opinions about what are the toughest, gnarliest, most knee-buckling HPEC challenges in …

Berto Jongman: WSJ on US Intelligence Collection Failure In Relation to Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea

U.S. Scurries to Shore Up Spying on Russia In Crimea, Russia May Have Gotten a Jump on West by Evading U.S. Eavesdropping EXTRACTS: U.S. military satellites spied Russian troops amassing within striking distance of Crimea last month. But intelligence analysts were surprised because they hadn’t intercepted any telltale communications where Russian leaders, military commanders or …

Bruce Schneier: It’s Time to Break Up NSA — Outline of Necessary Intelligence Reforms by Robert Steele

It’s Time to Break Up NSA Bruce Schneier CNN, 20 February 2014 Editor’s note: Bruce Schneier is a security technologist and author of Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Thrive. (CNN) — The NSA has become too big and too powerful. What was supposed to be a single agency with a dual …

Reflections on Specific Intelligence Reforms (Including Alarm on NSA from 1994 Onwards)

The US IC has spent 1.2 trillion dollars since 1992 — and failed to provide ethical evidence-based decision-support capable of influencing tens of trillions more. This waste has to be understood in the context of a leadership (both intelligence and political)  focused moving money, not actually in the business of producing decision-support or making decisions …

Gregory Kulacki: DSB Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform + Strong Comment

Defense Science Board Off Point on Open Source Intelligence Reform Gregory Kulacki Union of Concerned Scientists, 28 January 2013 About the author: Gregory has lived and worked in China for the better part of the last twenty-five years facilitating exchanges between academic, governmental, and professional organizations in both countries. Since joining the Union of Concerned …

2014 Rethinking National Intelligence — Seven False Premises Blocking Intelligence Reform

Is this the year in which populism defeats the two-party system, when the US stops borrowing to finance waste, and when the NSA debacle outrages the American people to the point that they call for a radical overhaul of the government? – DOC (12 Pages): Rethinking Intelligence 2.3 This post is available for complete re-posting …