Cynthia McKinney: Don DeBar With Truth on Libya

Don DeBar has been instrumental in sharing the truth on Libya.  Here is his latest interview. BSNews interviews Don DeBar Don DeBar is an independent journalist who has recently travelled to Libya before the NATO invasion. BSNews emailed him some questions regarding the conflict. 1/  We know that the intervention in Libya was not humanitarian …

Worth a Look: Discerning the Truth in Libya

Phi Beta Iota:   Bottom line: USA/NATO operating a massive Information Operations (IO) campaign while introducing ground forces not authorized by Congress, and committing what we consider to be mass atrocities (war crimes) in the deliberative destruction of the capital city and other infrastructure targets across the country. Libya Latest News Thursday Lure of Oil: ‘NATO …

Webster Tarpley: Libya NATO Invades with Ground Troops, Fake Village for Fake Massacre

Dr. Webster Tarpley Analysis: “This is an exercise in mass brainwashing” “Everything you see from here is a big lie. People have got to bear this in mind. It’s all fake. There’s a fake, Libyan town that’s been built in Qatar, and they can stage a Hollywood-style massacre in such a place, and say, ‘Now, …