Michel Bauwens: P2P Mode of Production – An Indiano Manifesto

Published under the Public Domain, freely downloadable in HTML, epub or PDF, “The P2P Mode of Production: An Indiano Manifesto” is the first collective Indiano work translated into English. This document is a call to action, based on Las Indias’ analysis that the reduction of the optimal scale of production is the root of the …

Michel Bauwens: What is specific about the positioning of the P2P Foundation?

What is specific about the positioning of the P2P Foundation? “Like Oekonux, the P2P Foundation is a collective marked by diversity, but it also has dominant personalities and themes, with a substantial influence of the author of this article, who is also the initiator and founder of the initiative. So, when I make claims here …

P2P Open Source In Depth: Open Manufacturing

Open Manufacturing at P2P Foundation 1 Introductory Citations 2 Visualization 3 Overview 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Comparative Tables 3.3 The Personal Manufacturing Industry 3.3.1 Tools Typology of Personal Manufacturing Machines (Hardware) Computer-Aided Design Software 3.3.2 Players 3.4 Mappings and Typologies 3.5 Key Resources 3.6 Introductory Articles

P2P Foundation Features The Open Source Everything Manifesto

Open-Source Everything Manifesto * Book: The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust. By Robert David Steele. Evolver, 2012. URL = http://phibetaiota.net/2012/06/buy-today-the-open-source-everything-manifesto-transparency-truth-trust-the-meme-the-mind-set-and-the-method/ Contents Phi Beta Iota: This will be an on-going page. To be included in the P2P Foundation wiki is a huge blessing that will bring the work to the attention of tens of …

Event: 14-17 June Strasbourg P2P within Council of Europe

Vinay Gupta writes: The Council of Europe to _fund an unconference in Strasbourg_ with a dramatically P2P component. Basically, we’re doing a social network analysis of the web site, and then inviting the maximum number of people who want to meet each-other – i.e. it’s a fully P2P selection process, not in the simple “competitive …

Michel Bauwens: Occupy and P2P

I strongly recommend watching the whole program, it’s an excellent discussion: “How does the Occupy Wall Street movement move from “the outrage phase” to the “hope phase,” and imagine a new economic model? Occupy Everywhere: Michael Moore, Naomi Klein on Next Steps for the #OccupyWallStreet Movement See Also: Michel Bauwens – Setting the broader context …