Tom Atlee: On the Relation Between P2P Systems and Wisdom-Generating Forums – P2P Foundation

On the Relation Between P2P Systems and Wisdom-Generating Forums – P2P Foundation WHAT DO “WISE DEMOCRACY” AND POWERFUL DIALOGUE AND DELIBERATION PROCESSES HAVE TO DO WITH PEERNESS? P2P systems generate self-organization out of similarities and power equity: People eagerly move into productive/enjoyable relationships because of passions or needs they share with similar others when their …

John Robb: Life in the Networked Age — P2P versus Google-zilla

Life in a Networked Age Posted: 18 Feb 2013 12:11 PM PST Here’s some idle thinking for a sunny afternoon at the end of winter. To access it, let’s make a simple assumption that economics, politics, and warfare are all a function of the dominant technological substrate. A technological substrate is the family of related …

Michael Bauwens: P2P Foundation Open Ontology

Open Ontology, by Paola Di Maio While different definitions for ontology exist, it can be said that Ontologies are conceptual and semantic frameworks representing models of the world, as well as explicit and complete knowledge representations of a model of reality, expressed using different formalisms and artifacts. When trying to understand what makes up an …

Michel Bauwens: P2P State Approaches – The Partner State

Category:P2P State Approaches Introduction Michel Bauwens: The basic orientation of p2p theory towards societal reform: transforming civil society, the private and the state To the Finland Station: the political approach of P2P Theory Tommaso Fattori: The Public – Commons Partnership and the Commonification of that which is Public. Towards a Legal Framework for the Commons …