Berto Jongman: YouTube (37:46) David Icke on Media Propaganda and Brainwashing

Most interesting point is that mainstream media “destroys” information, confuses the public rather than informs.  Long but interesting B roll of a television station faking, completely, the presence of correspondents in a war zone while actually being in the home office studio. Published on Apr 26, 2013 Two streams of reality: one is secret …

Zahir Ehrahim: A Note on the Mighty Wurlitzer: Anatomy of Modern Propaganda Techniques

A Note on the Mighty Wurlitzer: Anatomy of Modern Propaganda Techniques Zahir Ebrahim | Project Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, began his seminal 1928 book simply titled Propaganda, with these ominous words: ‘The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic …

Berto Jongman: Social Network Analysis of Al-Muhajiroun’s Propaganda Campaign

The YouTube Jihadists: A Social Network Analysis of Al-Muhajiroun’s Propaganda Campaign  by Jytte Klausen, Eliane Tschaen Barbieri, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, and Aaron Y. Zelin Abstract  Producers of Al-Qaeda inspired propaganda have shifted their operations in recent years from closed membership online forums to mainstream social networking platforms. Using social network analysis, we show that behind the …

Theophillis Goodyear: US Propaganda Disaster? Officers Taught They Must “Nuke” Islam? + RECAP

According to Wired Magazine: U.S. Military Officers Taught: Use ‘Hiroshima’ Tactics for ‘Total War’ on Islam EXTRACT: For the better part of the last decade, a small cabal of self-anointed counterterrorism experts has been working its way through the U.S. military, intelligence and law enforcement communities, trying to convince whoever it could that America’s real …

DefDog: Mathematics a Propaganda / Crime Tool

Interesting… pointed out in the article, most people defer to the eminence of the individual and not to the substance of the message…..and then there is the criminal obfuscation of Wall Street. Neal Koblitz: “Mathematics as Propaganda” This is an excerpt from Volume III of Mathematics: People, Problems, Results that had to be shared. Johnny …

Robert Steele: Slate and New America Foundation a Propaganda Front – Taking Money Under the Table?

Warning: This Site Contains Conspiracy Theories Does Google have a responsibility to help stop the spread of 9/11 denialism, anti-vaccine activism, and other fringe beliefs?  By Evgeny  Morozov|Posted Monday, Jan. 23, 2012, at 7:43 AM ET In its early days, the Web was often imagined as a global clearinghouse—a new type of library, with the …