Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together — 23-25 August, extraterrestrials, Free Energy, End of Secrecy and More…

Event in California Brings Whistleblowers, Researchers, and Word-Healers Together for Something Big — ET, Free Energy, + + ~Justin Deschamps Almost everyone knows it at some level but only some dare to accept the truth. Whistleblowers, researchers, and experiencers often share one common message. The details might vary or the timeline may be different, but …

Stephen E. Arnold: Seriously Stupid at Yale — Mobile Search vs. Library Stacks

Books and Learning: Go Mobile, Stay Clueless I read “The Books of College Libraries Are Turning into Wallpaper.” The main idea is that today’s students are not using libraries to locate books which are then read, thought about, and analyzed in order to: Learn Find useful facts Exploit serendipity Figure out which source or sources …

Zero Hedge: Google Impacted on 2018 Elections, May Have Cost Republicans Seats with Programmed Search Bias

Google Influenced Midterm Elections, May Have Cost Republicans Seats: Study Analysis of this data showed a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related Google search results as compared to competing search engines. Users performing Google searches related to the three congressional races the study focused on were significantly more likely to see pro-Democrat stories and links at …

Berto Jongman: New Research – Four in Five Catholic Priests Are Gay

Four in five Vatican priests are gay, book claims French journalist’s book is a ‘startling account of corruption and hypocrisy’, publisher says Eighty per cent of priests working at the Vatican are gay, although not necessarily sexually active, it is claimed in the book, In the Closet of the Vatican. The 570-page book, which the …

Robert Steele: Congressional Research Service (CRS) is Lying to Congress on 5G – Rebuttal from Mark Steele (No Relation, Genius on 5G)

Fifth-Generation (5G) Telecommunications Technologies: Issues for Congress, January 30, 2019 ROBERT STEELE: CRS means well, but its analysts are handicapped and often ignorant. In this instance, this report is full of lies.  It paints the best possible picture on 5G while lying by omission. It fails to discuss the weaponization of 5G and the utter …

Steven Aftergood: DIA Gaslighting? UFO “Research” for Corrupt Senator Harry Reid’s Favored Constituent?

More Light on Black Program to Track UFOs The Defense Intelligence Agency disclosed this week that it had funded research on warp drive, invisibility cloaking, and other areas of fringe or speculative science and engineering as part of a now-defunct program to track and identify threats from space. From 2007 to 2012, the DIA spent …