DefDog: The infamous ‘take down the Internet in 30 minutes’ hearing from 1998 — Tens of Billions Later, NSA and OMB Have Not Done Their Jobs, US Cyber is Wide Open and Unsafe at Any Speed + Meta-RECAP

This is the famous hearing where Mudge told senators he could K-O the Internet in 30 minutes. It was a wide-ranging discussion, though Mudge’s claim is what the media ran with at the time. Watch and ask yourself, as Trustwave’s Tom Brennan does on his Facebook page this morning: “14 Years… have we gotten better?” …

Yoda: When Intelligence Loses It’s Integrity, It Is Not Intelligence

Peak Intel: How So-Called Strategic Intelligence Actually Makes Us Dumber An industry that once told hard truths to corporate and government clients now mostly just tells them what they want to hear, making it harder for us all to adapt to a changing world — and that’s why I’m leaving it. Eric Garland The Atlantic, …

Berto Jongman: Various National Security Readings

Background on Forsane Alizza (Islamic Action Group in France) Disaster Risk Reduction Spending FBI-NYPD Turf Battle Hunger as a Weapon of Mass Destruction PMC Support for FSA in Syria Religion and Climate Change Fueling Chaos What’s Killing Us: A Practical Guide to Understanding Our Biggest Global Health Problems

Mini-Me: Iranian (US?) Plot Continues to Unravel UPDATE

Hmmmm.  Can you spell unethical idiocy?  AT BEST, the Iranian Liberation Nut-Jobs.  AT WORST, another Israeli false flag operation.  In the middle, the usual out-of-control lunatic covert action wanna-bees. Robert Steele adds:  if and when this becomes fully exposed, it will qualify as a “precipitant” of revolution, showing the public with stark immediacy the degree …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link

Journal: Coup in Qatar? Middle East Convergences…

U.S. Military Downplays Qatar Coup Rumors By Jeff Stein | August 5, 2009 Senior American military officials Wednesday threw cold water on reports of an attempted coup d’etat in Qatar, nerve center for the U.S. military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. +++++++ Arab Websites Report On Failed Coup Attempt In Qatar Various Arab websites are …