David Sabow: Reagan Administration with CIA / Cuban Exile Contras Complicit in Torture & Murder of DEA Field Officer Agent

Tosh, You are my hero! You have supported me of over twenty years. You are making it happen. You are as important to our country as any person in our history. You have discovered the treatment that can cure the cancer in our country. My brother Jimmy and I are alive and well, each in our unique …

Owl: YouTube (8:00) Corrupt US Media Blacks Out Israeli Torture of Palestinian Children as Investigated and Documented by the United Nations

UN Accuses Israel of Torturing Palestinian Children This Real News Network report discusses two human rights violations against Palestinian children that were first publicized by an Israeli organization and have since been investigated by the UN: abusive confinement and prosecution, and using them as human shields. Phi Beta Iota: The US Media may well be …

Berto Jongman: Call for US Torture Investigation and Eradication + Torture RECAP

Out With It Americans deserve to hear the dirty secrets of the CIA’s war on terror. We’ll all be better off with the truth. In April 1975, Sen. Frank Church impaneled a special investigative committee to look into shocking accounts of CIA dirty tricks. The Church Committee ultimately published 14 reports over two years revealing …

Dolphin: REPLAY of Exclusive on CIA Psychologist’s Notes on Bush Torture Program as Human Experimentation

Now that it is clear our recent presidents are all indictable for war crimes, seemed timely to bring this 2011 publication forward again. EXCLUSIVE: CIA Psychologist’s Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush’s Torture Program Tuesday, 22 March 2011 14:29 By Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye, Truthout | Investigative Report Dr. Bruce Jessen’s handwritten notes describe …

SchwartzReport: Good (No More Landfills) Bad (Nestle Owns Water), Ugly (USA Torture)

GOOD Like the piece I did yesterday on how New York could transition to non-carbon energy, this one addresses landfills, offering an actual example of how it could be done. The truth is we could recreate our society so that it was much more fair to all, and environmentally positive; only our lack of political …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA Clandestine to Be Run by Woman in Charge of Rendtion & Torture Site?

What BS.  Officer almost certainly supported policies of Administration in office at time of actions. Los Angeles Times, March 29, 2013, Pg. 12 Moving Up The CIA Ladder Promoting an official who ran an overseas ‘black site’ is an outrageous idea. CIA Director John Brennan is reportedly considering promoting an official who ran an overseas …

Berto Jongman: Col James Steele, USA — Death Squads & Torture from El Salvador to Iraq — One of the “Boys” with Back Door Access to Rumsfeld

James Steele: America’s mystery man in Iraq – video (51:08) The Guardian, Wednesday 6 March 2013 A 15-month investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic reveals how retired US colonel James Steele, a veteran of American proxy wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua, played a key role in training and overseeing US-funded special police commandos …