Journal: Why Taliban is Winning in Afghanistan–VERY IMPORTANT

The attached article was brought to my attention by a highly-educated, well-read medical doctor of Pashtun descent now living in the UK.  It should be studied closely and ought to be mandatory reading in the White House, before the President gets stampeded by McChrystal debacle, the accession of General Petraeus, and his fellow travelers in …

Journal: Death of CIA Personnel in Afghanistan

UPDATE: Journal: CIA’s Poor Tradecraft AND Poor Management UPDATE:  Bomber was Jordanian doctor & Jordanian intelligence asset Phi Beta Iota: This keeps getting worse.  We wonder if CIA contractors get stars on the wall–4 employees including the one who was over-ruled by Berger, Tenet, and Brennen in taking Bin Laden out unilaterally; 3 guards, and …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Sends….Afghanistan

Highlighting by Chuck Spinney High Cost, Low Odds by STEPHEN M. WALT The Nation October 21, 2009 Deciding what to do in Afghanistan requires a hard-nosed assessment of the costs of the war, the alleged benefits of victory and the likelihood of success. We know the price will be high. The United States has …