Mongoose: 500 Doctors Declare Lockdown to be a Mass Casualty Event Vastly Worse Than the Fake Pandemic

Dear Mr. President: Thousands of physicians in all specialties and from all States would like to express our gratitude for your leadership. We write to you today to express our alarm over the exponentially growing negative health consequences of the national shutdown. In medical terms, the shutdown was (sic — and remains) a mass casualty …

Gary Barnett: Pandemic Madness: The State’s Plan Rests on the Destruction of the Human Spirit

Pandemic Madness: The State’s Plan Rests on the Destruction of the Human Spirit “What is happening today is no accident, it is not due to any natural virus pandemic, and there is no global Covid health crisis. All of this response has been purposely staged, and the reaction by the masses was anticipated long in …

Lew Rockwell: Rationing Life – The Logic of the Fake Pandemic

Rationing Life: A Major Objective of the Coronavirus Scam By Gary D. Barnett In my opinion, nursing homes and long-term care facilities have become the hotbed of murder by the state, and many forced to be in those types of institutions have been purposely targeted for extermination, albeit under the guise of protecting them by …

DefDog: A Russian View on Fake Pandemic

4 main purposes:  1) Depopulation initiative; 2) Political control over the remaining population; 3) Deflation of the current financial bubble; 4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors Phi Beta Iota: Or it could be creative destruction prior to resurrection.