Robert Steele: UK Government Lies Again — Same People Behind Trump Dossier and Imperial College Fake Pandemic Now Deny 5G – Conoravirus Connection

5G coronavirus conspiracy theory is dangerous fake nonsense, UK says ROBERT STEELE: Minister Michael Gove of the UK is deceiving the public — he is either stupid or — more likely — has been fully briefed and is a flat out liar. 5G at a minimum lowers human immunity and makes it more likely that …

NATO Innovation Challenge: Pandemic Response — What Next?

Pandemic Response Innovation Challenge Submit your solutions to: – Identify false information and mitigate its effects – Deliver supply to isolated individuals and teams Compete in the NATO Innovation Challenge, get NATO-wide visibility and a chance to get support for the development of your solution.

Henry Makow: Mike Stone on Stop Worrying Love Fake Pandemic — Corona Baby Rush Nine Months From Today?

Mike Stone – How to Stop Worrying & Love the Hoax This psyop may have a silver lining. Think about it: almost the entire world’s population, cooped up at home under order of law. What do they expect people to do, twiddle their thumbs? With an avalanche of free porn available on the web (which …