Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Baruch Fischhoff

BARUCH FISCHHOFF, Ph.D., is the Howard Heinz University Professor in the departments of Social and Decision Sciences and of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, where he heads the Decision Sciences major. A graduate of the Detroit Public Schools, he holds a BS in mathematics and psychology from Wayne State University and an …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Paul Fernhout

Paul Fernhout has been helping his wife (Cynthia Kurtz) develop Rakontu, a free and open source software communications and sensemaking tool for small purpose-driven communities that focuses on exchanging stories. He has hopes to expand Rakontu eventually into a broader Public Intelligence platform including a semantic desktop, simulations, narrative methods, visualization tools, and structured arguments. …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Cynthia Kurtz

Cynthia Kurtz is an independent researcher, writer and software designer who consults in the field of organizational and community narrative for decision support, conflict resolution and collective sensemaking. Her free online book at workingwithstories.org helps people use narrative techniques to benefit their own communities and organizations. She is building open source software at rakontu.org to …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Larry Sanger

Founder of Wikipedia (which lost its way, trolls took over), founder of WatchKnow.org, an educational video directory, founder of Citizendium, a wiki encyclopedia project that is expert-guided, public participatory, and real-names-only.  Ph.D. 2000, The Ohio State University, Philosophy.  Dissertation: Epistemic Circularity: An Essay on the Problem of Meta-Justification.  See also The Digital Universe, The Digital …

UN Secretary General and Ambassador Susan Rice Violate Public Intelligence–We Stand with Richard Falk

Willful Ignorance April 12th, 2011 By Paul Carline thepeoplesvoice.org Cards on the table. I’ve been a “truther” since early 2002 when I came across the first major challenge to the official 9/11 story in the shape of the wonderful “Hunt the Boeing” site created by French researcher Thierry Meyssan. Until then I’d accepted the standard …