Yoda: Kurds Lead on Economic Innovation

Rojava – the formation of an economic alternative: Private property in the service of all EXTRACT Inspired by the model of democratic confederalism and democratic autonomy, democratic assemblies, women’s council and other democratic organisations have been established. Every ethnic and religious group must be represented in these councils, and the leadership of each evenly divided …

Chuck Spinney: USAF General James Post Says Telling the Truth to Congress About the A-10 is “Treason” — Really…

USAF General James Post’s Mexican Hot Platter There are indications and warnings (I&W) that the U.S. Air Force is headed for the rubber room, at least if the attitude of Major General James Post, the Vice Commander of Air Combat Command is an I&W of the Air Force’s corporate attitude.  As I said in an …

Owl: Paul Craig Roberts on Paris 12 False Flag Anomalies, Media Complicity

Charlie Hebdo, Another False Flag, Brought to You by the US, with Help From French Intel & Mossad – Roberts Robert’s observations below about the the alleged getaway car driver in the Paris shootings, Hamid Mourad, who turned himself in (which for the time being saved his life) jack up the probability this was a …