Review: The Case for Impeachment–The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office (Hardcover)

On the Left: Lying About Oral Sex–and on The Right:? 10 Big Crimes, June 15, 2006 Dave Lindorff Edit of 12 Apr 08 to add new additional links. The Republicans set the stage for hard-ball when they actually impeached President Clinton, not for having oral sex with an intern, but for lying about it. This …

Review: An Inconvenient Truth–The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It (Paperback)

Watch the DVD First. Up to Four Stars if You Do That….., June 1, 2006 Al Gore Note: Although the DVD is mostly Al Gore and Powerpoint slides, interspersed with views of the adoring audience, it is a VERY effective briefing, and after seeing the DVD, my appreciation for the book went up. It is …