NIGHTWATCH: US Invades Iraq, Creates first Arab Shi’ite State

ALERT:  Iraq becoming the first Arab Shi’ite state, allied with Iran. Iraq: Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki urged Kurdish officials to hand over Sunni Arab Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on terror charges and threatened to replace ministers who belong to the Sunni Arab Iraqiyah bloc if they do not end a Cabinet boycott.

Mini-Me: European-US Banking–Tangled Web — Tell Me Again, Why Shouldn’t We Default and Let the Banks Fry? + Financial Terrorism RECAP

The question has to be asked: “Why shouldn’t we default and let the banks fry?” What possible benefit it there to the people of a nation whose previous leaders “sold out” the entire country on the basis of lies from the banks, notably Goldman Sachs? Why not default and focus on full employment and resilience …

Review: The KunstlerCast – Conversations with James Howard Kunstler

Duncan Crary, James Howard Kunstler 5.0 out of 5 stars Unique in Its Own Right, NOT a Substitute for Long Emergency,November 20, 2011 THIS IS AN OCCUPY BOOK. It illuminates legitimate grievances being talked about by Occupy. First, having read The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of …