Mini-Me: NATO Admiral Says the Future of Global Security is Strategic Communication — Robert Steele Corrects + META-RECAP

Huh? NATO Admiral Says the Future of Global Security is Strategic Communication Written by ruston on August 3, 2012 · Leave a Comment by Scott W. Ruston The title of this post is my interpretation of what ADM James Stavridis, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and Commander of United States European Command (USEUCOM), says …

Owl: Anonymous Makes a Statement – Has Meat, Add Salt

This interview overall undoubtedly has misconceptions, self-inflated bravado, gross exaggerations and so forth, but if the last statement he utters is true about people coming to them, even to a significantly lesser degree than he indicates, the world-ruling elites might be quaking ever-so-slightly, but involuntarily, in their boots. And much more so if indeed insiders …

Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Disaster Part I – When the War Comes Home

WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 6-8, 2012 Wait Till the War Really Comes Home The Afghan Disaster by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch The PR disasters over the last three months — including pictures of American troops urinating on Afghan corpses, the burning of Qurans, and the massacre of Afghan civilians, including women and children, by at least one …