Joshua Kilbourn: ShadowStats Truth on Unemployment versus USG Lies

John Williams – Unemployment Rate at a Staggering 22.2% John Williams, of Shadowstats, notes that manipulated government statistics are not changing the fact that the true SGS Unemployment Measure now sits at a staggering 22.2%.  Williams also demonstrates that despite the hype from Wall Street about a recovery, parts of the economy remain collapsed.  Here …

Patrick Meier: On Rumors, Repression and Digital Disruption in China: Opening Pandora’s Inbox of Truthiness?

On Rumors, Repression and Digital Disruption in China: Opening Pandora’s Inbox of Truthiness? The Economist recently published a brilliant piece on China entitled: “The Power of Microblogs: Zombie Followers and Fake Re-Tweets.” BBC News followed with an equally excellent article: “Damaging Coup Rumors Ricochet Across China.” Combined, these articles reveal just how profound the digital disruption …

Patrick Meier: Truthiness as Propability – Moving Beyond Absolutism within the Global Social Media Information Environment

Truthiness as Probability: Moving Beyond the True or False Dichotomy when Verifying Social Media I asked the following question at the Berkman Center’s recent Symposium on Truthiness in Digital Media: “Should we think of truthiness in terms of probabili-ties rather than use a True or False dichotomy?” The wording here is important. The word “truthiness” …

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Ground Truth / Integrity Tips

Syria: Deputy Oil Minister Abdo Hussameddin announced his resignation and departure from the Ba’ath Party to side with the opposition against President Al-Asad’s regime. If confirmed, he would be the highest-ranking official to defect, and the third member of the administration to do so. A video of his declaration was posted on YouTube and repeated …