Owl: University of Virgina Rape School — Fostering a Culture of Impunity & Entitlement Among the Rich & the Athletic

The “Rape School”: University of Virginia Bottom Line Up Front: The frat boys rape at college – regarding it as a “perk” of their social status – and are confident in knowing they will be protected at the highest levels of the Elite school from any accountability. They later go on to rape – both figuratively …

Review: Afghanistan: The Perfect Failure – A War Doomed By The Coalition’s Strategies, Policies and Political Correctness

John L. Cook 4.0 out of 5 stars Deep Insights, A Couple of Misses, Certainly Recommended as Core Reading, November 8, 2014 A hold over from my time in Afghanistan, I finally got around to reading this book on a long flight and give it a solid four stars. There is some very good eye …

Chuck Spinney: Al Jazeera on Israel Atrocity Against USS Liberty — YouTube, Article, Commentary — REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY!

Al Jazeera America has produced a damning TV documentary on Israel’s deliberate and unprovoked attack on the U.S.N.S. Liberty, a WWII Navy liberty ship that had been converted into electronics snooper to support the NSA by listening in on other nation’s electronic transmissions.  The attack occurred in international waters, in clear weather, at 2PM on 8 June …

SchwartzReport: Is the Pope Catholic? Will the Pope be Assassinated? Which Pope and Why?

I have been waiting for this, the pushback from the conservatives within the Roman Church, whose views and power is threatened by this new pope. I just hope something doesn’t “happen” to Francis. Is the Pope Catholic? Critics Rally Around Benedict As Talk of Schism Looms Conservative Catholics, angry at Pope Francis’s more moderate tone, …

Juliet Barker: Revolting times – Our ruling class needs to pay heed to its fed-up subjects now

THE ARTICLE: Revolting times: Our ruling class needs to pay heed to its fed-up subjects now A political class perceived as out of touch and self-serving. Punitive taxation frittered away on pointless foreign wars. Repressive labour legislation and wage control at home. A disaffected population feeling powerless, voiceless, angry and ripe for recruitment by radical …

Berto Jongman: Scientists Allege Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD

Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?: Scientists Allege Are bio weapons being tested on Africans. Reports have linked the Ebola virus outbreak to an attempt to reduce Africa’s population. Liberia happens to be the continents’ fastest growing population. FULL TEXT BELOW THE FOLD Tekmira / DoD Ebola Clinical Trial Summary Also Below in Full …