The “Rape School”: University of Virginia
Bottom Line Up Front: The frat boys rape at college – regarding it as a “perk” of their social status – and are confident in knowing they will be protected at the highest levels of the Elite school from any accountability. They later go on to rape – both figuratively and literally – the organizations and public they are supposed to serve. Violently raping women at college “trains” elitist males especially – it’s part of their real education – in later learning to adjust to bombing and incinerating and destroying countries and entire peoples, or causing immense harm to their workers and communities in many ways. Allow them to do something very bad, such as rape, then it’s much less of a jump for them to do worse in large public arenas.
The quoted phrase above came from an administrator at UVA (University of Virginia) who was explaining why the school works very hard to hide statistics on rape at the school: she – she – said such information would make parents think UVA was the “rape school” and refuse to send their female kids to attend UVA. This all came out in a new and very long Rolling Stone article about what amounts to a rape cover-up culture at UVA. This article is remarkable for showing the great lengths – at the highest levels of university administration – has gone to protect student rapists, primarily or almost all, fraternity brothers, with focus on the travails of a freshman female, trying to get justice after having been violently gang-raped at a fraternity house by eight men. As of 11/23/2014, UVA has suspended operations of all fraternities until January 2015 due to this article's publication.
The really interesting back-story to the main theme of cover-up is the reason for it: UVA, while not officially Ivy league, has been considered a school for the privileged Southern elite, sort of a southern version of Yale or Harvard. Protecting the sons of the Southern Elite when they do something awful or evil is a very major priority, as can be inferred from these excerpts from the article:
“Prestige is at the core of UVA's identity. Although a public school, its grounds of red-brick, white-columned buildings designed by founder Thomas Jefferson radiate old-money privilege, footnoted by the graffiti of UVA's many secret societies, whose insignias are neatly painted everywhere. At $10,000 a year, in-state tuition is a quarter the cost of the Ivies, but UVA tends to attract affluent students, and through aggressive fundraising boasts an endowment of $5 billion, on par with Cornell. “Wealthy parents are the norm,” says former UVA dean John Foubert…Attorney Wendy Murphy, who has filed Title IX complaints and lawsuits against schools including UVA, argues that in matters of sexual violence, Ivy League and Division I schools' fixation with prestige is their downfall. “These schools love to pretend they protect the children as if they were their own, but that's not true: They're interested in money,” Murphy says. “In these situations, the one who gets the most protection is either a wealthy kid, a legacy kid or an athlete. The more privileged he is, the more likely the woman has to die before he's held accountable.” Indeed, UVA is the same campus where the volatile relationship of lacrosse star George Huguely V and his girlfriend Yeardley Love was seen as unremarkable – his jealous rages, fanned by over-the-top drinking – until the 2010 day he kicked open her door and beat her to death.”
A Rape on Campus: A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA