Core of U.S. Intelligence Functions to Focus on Support to Military Operations (SMO)

President Obama appears to have no interest in the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) as a source of accurate information for decision making and policy formulation. John Brennan, his counter-terrorism chief and principal advisor on intelligence issues routinely circumvents the IC when the administration needs strategic intelligence to guide its national security deliberations.  During the last …

More Bank Equity Is Needed and Not Socially Costly

Much More Bank Equity Is Needed and Is Not Socially Costly Text of Letter Published in Financial Times November 9, 2010 The Basel III bank-regulation proposals that G20 leaders will discuss fail to eliminate key structural flaws in the current system. Banks’ high leverage, and the resulting fragility and systemic risk, contributed to the near …

Building a Constituency for the Director of National Intelligence

Decision-support (intelligence) is the ultimate objective of information processes. One must carefully distinguish between data which is raw text, signal, or image; information which is collated data of generic interest; and intelligence which is information tailored to support a specific decision… Robert David Steele Vivas  On Intelligence (AFCEA, 2000) As noted in an earlier Journal …