Assessment of the Position of Director of National Intelligence

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission) was created to examine how the terrorist attacks of September 2001 could have occurred and what could be done to prevent future attacks.  Among other things the Commission recommended that there should be a National Intelligence Director who would have “two main areas …

Journal: Debka (IL)–US Terror Scare Backfires

US Terror Scare Misfires New US Tactics in Afghanistan Unrelated to Europe Terror Alert A strong strategic rationale actuated Washington’s blanket terror warning to Europe of Sunday, Oct. 3. But the way it evolved reflected the current interplay among the leading American personalities who devised it. Phi Beta Iota: We do not normally point to …

Journal: Underpants Bomber Saved Worthless NCTC

3 Ways the Underwear Bomber Changed Counterterrorism December 25, 2009 was a pivotal day for U.S. counterterrorism. Although the airline bombing failed, the reverberations from the attempt are still being felt. Here’s how this incident changed U.S. counterterrorism policy, as told by Mike Leiter, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center. Popular Mechanics By Joe …

Journal: Silence of the Goats–and Sheep

CONTENTS Cover Letter Links to Attachments Links to Articles Senior Executive Comment & PBI Comment Acting Director of National Intelligence, David C. Gompert, reaction to the Washington Post series This morning, the Washington Post began a series of articles on the growth of the Intelligence Community following the terrorist attacks on 9/11. The reporting does …

Event Report: 30 Jun-1 July, NYC – ICSR Peace and Security Summit

Peace and Security Summit Event Report/Notes + Host: London-based International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence + Partners, Affiliates, Financial Support: National Defense Univ, Rena & Sami David, The Rockefeller Foundation, Public Safety Canada, Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation, Centre for Policy Research, New Dehli, Dept of War Studies , King’s College …