Robert Steele: Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan

Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan Why Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Chuck Hagel Need to THINK….now. Robert David STEELE Vivas OpEdNews, 27 July 2014 DOC (21 Pages): Steele Rebuilding National Intelligence 1.9 SHORT URL: As we begin the final two and a half years (less seven days) of the Obama-Biden …

INTERVIEW: TheDailyBell Grills Robert Steele

Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With ‘Open Source’ Governance With Anthony Wile TheDailyBell– June 29, 2014 The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Steele SHORT URL:

Berto Jongman: The Intelligence Services Are The Real Conspiracy Theorists – The Case For The Iraq War Proves It

The Intelligence Services Are The Real Conspiracy Theorists The Case For The Iraq War Proves It David Shaylor NeonNettle, 20 June 2014 David Shayler is a former intelligence officer with MI5, the UK’s domestic security service.  In 1997, he blew the whistle on MI6 funding Al Qaeda to assassinate Colonel Qadhafi of Libya.  He will …

Eagle: The State of the Deep State — The Monster in America’s Closet

The State of the Deep State — The Monster in America’s Closet J ust published at Chris Martenson’s Peak Prosperity website. Click here to read it there We’ve been hearing a lot about the so-called Deep State lately. What to make of this shadowy monster? Some observers link it to the paranoid fantasy called the …

Michel Bauwens: Transitioning to a Commons-Based Society

Transitioning to a Commons-Based Society Background on the FLOK Project Michel Bauwens: The National Plan of Ecuador recognizes and stresses that the global transformation towards knowledge-based societies and economies requires a new form for the creation and distribution of value in society. The National Plan’s central concept is the achievement of ‘Buen Vivir’ (Sumak Kawsay) …

Patrick Meier: Operational Checklist for Flying UAVs in Humanitarian Settings

An Operational Check-List for Flying UAVs in Humanitarian Settings The Humanitarian UAV Network (UAViators) has taken off much faster than I expected. More than 240 members in 32 countries have joined the network since it’s launch just a few weeks ago. I was also pleasantly surprised by the number of humanitarian organizations that got in touch with me …