Michel Onfray: French Joined the Americans in War on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali…Reap As Ye Sow…

Michel Onfray : « La France doit cesser sa politique islamophobe » Point: After the announcement of the attacks of November 13, you wrote on twitter: “It was the [Western] Right and Left  who sowed the war against political Islam and we are now reaping blowback from that war against political Islam. “Do not you feel like you …

NOW Will You Listen? Paris Attacks Bring Home Need for a Grand Strategy Based on the Truth…

After Paris: An American Grand Strategy – Evidence-Based, Affordable, Balanced, Flexible — No Longer Ignoring Gladio, Wahhabism, or Traitors in Our Own Ranks Robert David Steele UPDATED 22 November 2015 The Paris attacks bring home far better than any words of mine just how desperately lacking we are in both intelligence and integrity. None of …

Worth a Look: Power Wars – Inside Obama’s Post 9/11 Presidency

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charlie Savage’s penetrating investigation of the Obama presidency and the national security state Barack Obama campaigned on a promise of change from George W. Bush’s “global war on terror.” Yet from indefinite detention and drone strikes to surveillance and military tribunals, Obama ended up continuing-and in some cases expanding-many policies he inherited. …

Eagle: #StoptheCops — International Police Conference in Chicago Blockaded — Mainstream Media Censors Story

#StopTheCops: Chicago Activists Shut Down International Police Conference Organizers from multiple groups created this event, including BYP 100, Assata’s Daughters, We Charge Genocide, #Not1More, and Organized Communities Against Deportations. Here’s an excerpt from the BYP statement on the protest: Together, we’re organized to demand that our lives, our communities and our futures be made a …

Review (Guest): The Global Village Myth (Grand Strategy)

The Global Village Myth: Distance, War, and the Limits of Power By Patrick Porter Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2015 Reviewed by Steven Metz, Director of Research at the US Army War College The Global Village Myth is short, tightly-argued body blow to contemporary American security policy. In it Patrick Porter takes on an important …

Worth a Look: New Books on Grand Strategies

“Since the end of the Cold War, impulse and ideology, generously seasoned with fantasy, have displaced principled strategy as the basis for U. S. policy. In this important and timely volume, Barry R. Posen illuminates the path back toward good sense and sobriety. Restraint is a splendid achievement.”―Andrew J. Bacevich, Boston University, author of Breach …