Stephen E. Arnold: Computers Learn Discrimination from People — Algorithms Embrace Bias

Computers Learn Discrimination From Their Programmers One of the greatest lessons one take learn from the Broadway classic South Pacific is that children aren’t born racist, rather they learn about racism from their parents and other adults.  Computers are supposed to be infallible, objective machines, but according to Gizmodo’s article, “Computer Programs Can Be As …

Stephen E. Arnold: Algorithms Gone Wild…

Algorithms Still Need Oversight Many have pondered what might happen when artificial intelligence systems go off the rails. While not spectacular enough for Hollywood, some very real consequences have been observed; the BBC examines “The Bad Things that Happen When Algorithms Run Online Shops.”  Read full post.

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Enables the Next Wave of US Job Layoffs is in Banking and Information Technology

Bank Exports IT to India Despite falling out of interest with the mainstream media, jobs are still being outsourced to Asia.  Citizens Bank is having their current IT employees train their replacements in a “knowledge transfer” and they will be terminated come December.  . . .  Citizens Bank signed a five-year services contract with IBM for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Sharepoint and Elasticsearch + Sharepoint Dedicated Feed from Arnold IT

The Integration of Elasticsearch and Sharepoint Adds Capabilities By enabling Elastic’s powerful real-time search and analytics capabilities in SharePoint, enterprises will be able to optimize how they use data within their applications and portals.”  “Combining Elasticsearch and SharePoint opens up a world of exciting applications for our customers, ranging from geosearch and pattern search through …

Stephen E. Arnold: Five Big Data Problems

Oh, Oh. Big Data Has Problems. Impossible. A happy quack to the reader who alerted me to “5 Problems with Big Data.” How can this be? Big Data is the new black, the new enterprise search, the new information management opportunity.

Stephen E. Arnold: Oracle’s Seriously Stupid Security “Chief”

Oracle: The Ostrich Syndrome I read “Oracle’s Chief Security Officer Mary Ann Davidson Just Made as Rookie Mistake.” No, it has nothing to do with trying to breathe life into Oracle Secure Enterprise Search or increasing the content processing speed of Endeca. Those might be really difficult tasks. Read full post with copy of seriously …