Pierre Sprey Skewers Chuck Spinny & Stephen Walt — Big Oil, Wall Street, and Military-Industrial Complex Destroying USA

My good friend Pierre Sprey took issue with my characterization of Steven Walt’s critique of US grand strategy as being excellent subject to two omissions.  Attached herewith are Pierre’s comments — they are spot on, and I stand corrected on my characterization of “excellent” … or perhaps more accurately … I stand clearly and fairly …

Chuck Spinney: Madness in White House, K Street Thrives

Herewith is Stephen Walt’s excellent critique of US grand strategy in the Middle East since 1990.  My only comment is that he omits the pernicious influences of the arrogance that emerged from our misinterpretation of our “victory” in the Cold War and does not discuss the closely related emergence of Mad Madeline’s nutty theory of …

Review: Democracy as Problem Solving – Civic Capacity in Communities Across the Globe

Xavier N. De Souza Briggs 5 for Academics, 4 for Isolation from Corruption, June 25, 2011 I am stunned to not see a review of this book published in 2008. It certainly merits attention and inclusion in any dialog about democracy. The author caught my attention immediately in the preface, observing that US democracy “looks …