Tom Atlee: A Difference of View — Top Down Control of Unstable Bottom, or Bottom-Up Renaissance of Capitalism and Democracy?

The Guardian UK reports that the US and other militaries are preparing for major domestic disorder stimulated by climate, energy, and economic crises. NSA surveillance is part of that.  This shoring up of power-over from the top calls for our rapid development of power-with from below. Ramping up the two big Powers The report below …

Review (Guest): The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be

Moises Naim 4.0 out of 5 stars What kind of power, for whom, and for what?, May 31, 2013 By Tom Atlee (Eugene, OR USA) – See all my reviews Moises Naim’s new book THE END OF POWER should properly be called “The Decay of Power”. His thesis is that while it is becoming easier …

Jean Lievens: Stigmergic Collaboration: The Evolution of Group Work

Collaboration depends on communication, and content depends on combination of social negotiation and creative energy. Stigmergic Collaboration: The Evolution of Group Work Mark Elliott M/C Journal, May 2006 Introduction 1The steady rise of and the Open Source software movement has been one of the big surprises of the 21st century, threatening stalwarts such as …

Search: phd topics on the role of intelligence in peace support operation + Peacekeeping RECAP

Had to Stop.  WordPress Cannot Handle So Many Links, and Entire Phi Beta Iota Site is About Peace and Prosperity Through Intelligence with Integrity.  Links Below Line Estimated 25% of Relevant Links Across all 12,000+ Posts. Excellent search and badly needed PhD thesis that could “write the book” on the role of intelligence in support …

Michel Bauwens: Towards a Grand Coalition for the Commons

Towards a grand coalition for the commons I believe there is a historic opporunity to reconstruct a progressive majority around enabling the commons, which would be based on the following political and sociological complementarity between political forces and parties. Though the fortunes of the new player in politics are down from the moment I wrote …

Michelle Monk: Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research + Innovation and Technology Repression RECAP

Chinese Plant Compound Wipes Out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research A little-known plant with a truly bizarre name is now making headlines as a cancer killer, with the compound of the plant vanishing tumors in mice with pancreatic cancer. Known as the ‘thunder god vine’ or lei gong teng, the Chinese plant is …