Worth a Look: Democracy in the Dark The Seduction of Government Secrecy

Too Many Secrets: What Washington Should Stop Hiding (Review by Ron Wyden and John Dickas in Foreign Affairs) From Dick Cheney’s man-sized safe to the National Security Agency’s massive intelligence gathering, secrecy has too often captured the American government’s modus operandi better than the ideals of the Constitution. In this important new book, Frederick A.O. …

Mongoose: American Psychological Association Pandered to DoD, Threw Ethics Aside to Validate Torture UPDATE 1

Sacks of shit. Report: American Psychological Association colluded with U.S. interrogation programs EXTRACT The probe concluded that the association’s ethics director and others had “colluded with important [Department of Defense] officials to have APA issue loose, high-level ethical guidelines that did not constrain” the Pentagon in its interrogation of terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. …

2015 Robert Steele: The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes

The National Military Strategy – Dishonest Platitudes CounterPunch, 6 July 2015 The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has released the National Military Strategy. As a propaganda document, presenting weakness as strength and seeking to gain trust in that which should not be trusted, it is stellar. By naming four main enemies (Russia, Iran, …