Journal: Dennis Kucinich Introduces Monetary Reform

Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute, IMPORTANT MONETARY NEWS ALERT:   MAJOR, HISTORIC PROGRESS BEING MADE On Friday December 17th Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D,Ohio, 10th District) took a crucial and heroic step to resolve our growing financial crisis and achieve a just and sustainable money system for our nation by introducing the National Emergency …

Reference: The Rich are Not Hypocrites by Paul Williams

THE RICH ARE NOT HYPOCRITES Paul Williams I am sick to my stomach with “progressive” and “liberal” leaders hurling the insult of “hypocrites!” at the rich. “Hypocrite” is a word used by men in suits and ties.  “Hypocrite” is even used by people who think this Obama deal on the extension of unemployment benefits is …

Journal: Who Dun It on the Deficit?

Obama inherited a federal deficit that was spinning out of control (mostly because of decreased tax take and increased expenditures for automatic stabilizers, e.g. unemployment insurance), and pressure is growing to cut Social Security (perhaps the most efficiently run program in government) while placing Defense (one of the most inefficiently run programs) off limits.  These …