Journal: Wikileaks & Israel, Wikileaks & Vatican

Published on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 by Reuters WikiLeaks: Israel Aimed to Keep Gaza Economy on Brink of Collapse by Reuters Cable from the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv says Israeli officials wanted Gaza’s economy ‘functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis.’ Israel told U.S. officials in 2008 it would …

Journal: Israel Demands Bribes for Access to Gaza

WikiLeaks: Israel charged bribes for Gaza access By JOSEF FEDERMAN The Associated Press Thursday, January 6, 2011; 7:29 AM JERUSALEM — A U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks on Thursday quoted American officials as saying a key Israeli cargo crossing for goods entering the Gaza Strip was rife with corruption. The June 14, 2006, cable, …

Journal: Israel Persists on Polard–an Information Operations (IO) Case Study

In Wash Post article on CIA’s Wikileaks TF, passed u/s/c, the following quote closes the piece, “the former high-ranking CIA officer said. “Nobody could carry out enough paper to do what WikiLeaks has done.””  Not sure that’s true.  Open source reporting not long after his trial indicated that Pollard hand carried tremendous volumes of paper …

NIGHTWATCH Extract: Iran-Pakistan, Iran-Turkey-India, Israel

Iran-Pakistan: Iranian officials on 16 December accused Pakistan of being linked to a 15 December suicide bombing in southeastern Iran. Iran’s deputy minister and chief of security at the Interior Ministry, Ali Abdollahi, said Pakistani officials had ignored Iranian warnings about bases in Pakistan for anti-Iranian elements and had allowed the terrorists to cross into …

Journal: Boycott of Israeli Businesses Building Settlements

Settlement boycotter: We’re not divesting from Israel, but from occupation Norway, Sweden pension funds divest themselves of holdings in some firms involved in settlement building, helping erect West Bank separation barrier. By The Associated Press Read full story in Haaretz.Com…. Phi Beta Iota: This is a good start and long over-due.  They should also withdraw …

Journal: Israel, Gaza Blocade, and F-35 Lemon

Consider please the moral implications of concatenating the following events: The Obama administration just humiliated itself by promising to turn over $3 billion in stealth fighters to Israel, supplementing the 20 F-35s it will buy with the $2.75 billion in “grants” it gets from Washington (i.e., and thereby using taxpayer money to save the troubled F-35 …

Reference: Israel False Flag Attacks on US Back to 1960′s–Fast Forward to USS Liberty, USS Cole, 9/11 and–oh yes, the package bombs…..

Israeli False Flag Attack on U.S. Motivated 1963 Senate Investigations – Newly Declassified Files WASHINGTON, Nov. 9, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Fears of false flag and foreign funded covert operations designed to influence U.S. policy drove the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to launch exhaustive investigations and call for warranted enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act …