Journal: Is Israel’s Infamy Obama’s Third Strike?

Pusillanimity or Hypocrisy or Both Memo to Obama: Three Strikes and You’re Out By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY Counterpunch I believe Obama’s schtick during his campaign for president was to subtly encourage his adversaries to impale themselves of the horns of their own contradictions.  This kind of strategy can be particularly effective in the all-important moral …

Journal: Henry Seigman on Israel’s Freeze Scam

Netanyahu’s Freeze Scam by Henry Siegman 30 Sep 2010 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the formal White House launching of the resumed Middle East peace talks on September 2 were the clearest indication yet of his lack of seriousness. But neither the host, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, nor any of the distinguished guests …

Journal: Kow-Towing to Israel for No Good Reason

Sacrificing Substance for Process Peace Process to Nowhere By FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch The Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot reports that President Obama begged Prime Minister Netanyahu to extend his settlement freeze in order to save the so-called peace talks. As a quid pro quo, Obama is reported to have promised Netanyahu that (1) Israel could …

Journal: Israelis Executed US Citizen & Five Others

UN Fact-Finding Mission: Israeli Killing Of US Citizen Was “Execution” Originally published in Truth-out By Gareth Porter The report of the fact-finding mission of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla released last week shows conclusively, for the first time, that US …

Journal: Israel, Obama, Settlements–Cape Job

Obama makes Abbas & Bibi an offer they can’t refuse Planetary Movement Middle East Update 9/5/10 The terms of the rapidly developing agreement appear to be based on the long-established parameters predicated on the 1967 borders and the right of return for a still undisclosed number of Palestinian families displaced by the Arab-Israeli wars.  An …

Journal: CIA Loves Blackwater; Arizona Ungovernable in South; Coast Guard Learns and Morphs from Katrina; Israeli Black Propaganda?

Blackwater Won Contracts Through A Web Of Companies. CIA mafia, illegal arms, 31 companies to deceive US Government, owner moves family to Abu Dhabi. Signs in Arizona warn of smuggler dangers. Feds post 15, south Arizona now “ungovernable zone.” For Coast Guard, Katrina’s lessons are carried on. Overview in human interest context of how Katrina …