Reference: Spy Credibility & Open Source

How to Restore Spies Credbility: Go Open Source By Noah Shachtman December 14, 2007 In the mid ’90s, Robert Steele, a former-CIA officer and early proponent of open source intelligence, testified before the Aspin-Brown Commission about the tremendous value of unclassified information. The Commission decided to put this open source intelligence, or “OSINT,” to the …

Review (Guest): Kiss the Boys Goodbye–How the United States Betrayed its Own POWs in Vietnam

To the right is the current mass paperback cover that is available.  Below is the cover of the original hard-copy, and a guest review (Amazon is deleting top reviewer’s old reviews to make room for new reviewers, we missed this one when creating this web site to counter that “lost history”). 5.0 out of 5 …

Review: The Foundation–A Great American Secret; How Private Wealth is Changing the World

ESSENTIAL Primer, the Good, the Bad, and the Recommended October 18, 2007 JOEL FLEISHMAN This is a very helpful book, indeed, a unique book. Here are some of the notes I took. As one of 24 co-founders of a new 501c3, the Earth Intelligence Network, created to provide decision support to foundations, the United Nations, …