Mother Jones: Can’t Touch This – Best Overview of Pentagon Corruption and Idiocy at This Time and Place

CAN”T TOUCH THIS The wars are winding down. It’s the age of austerity. But nobody messes with the Pentagon budget. Until Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) rode to the rescue this week, Pentagon brass and their allies had been issuing dire warnings about the nation’s military readiness: The armed services were …

Jim Fetzer: Saudi Role in 9/11 Theater Goes Very Public — Details That Cannot Be Denied?

Suppressed Proof: Saudi Arabia Was Complicit in 9/11 “Since 15 of the 19 alleged suicide terrorist were from Saudi Arabia and none were from Iraq, would it not have made more sense to have invaded Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq?” Veterans Today, 23 February 2014 It has now become clear that a major cover-up has …

Penguin: Is the Pentagon Completely Corrupt? Yes — F-35 Totally Vulnerable to Electromagnetic Neturalization

The New F-35 Fighter Jet Can Be Taken Down Without A Bullet Ever Being Fired The F-35, the latest fighter jet being developed for the U.S. Armed Forces, has hit another potential snag.This time, it’s not questions of the jet’s structural integrity or even questions of relevance in combat. It’s the plane’s vulnerability to hackers. The …

Berto Jongman: GAO – U.S. intelligence agencies can’t justify why they use so many contractors

GAO – U.S. intelligence agencies can’t justify why they use so many contractors Brian Fung Washington Post, 14 February 2014 Private contractors play a huge role in the government, particularly in civilian intelligence services like the CIA. Contracting critics say it’s an addiction whose overhead costs drive up the federal budget and leads to data …

Winslow Wheeler: Who Really Runs the Pentagon?

It’s not Chuck Hagel.  I explain in a commentary at Foreign Policy at, and below. The Men Who Really Run the Pentagon Bob Gates wrestled the defense budget back from the Joint Chiefs. Chuck Hagel is handing it back. Winslow Wheeler Winslow T. Wheeler is the director of the Straus Military Reform Project at …