Berto Youngman: New Book on Pedophilia in Sci-Fi World, “Imprinting” of Homosexuals in Very Early Childhood

New Book Blows the Lid Off the Dark World of Child Sex Abuse in Sci-Fi Fandom Moira Greyland is the daughter of famous authors Marion Zimmer Bradley and Walter Breen. She has written a memoir about growing up in a “queer” family and suffering hideous child abuse. In The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Avalon, …

Mongoose: Is Admiral Rogers at NSA a Hero?

Operation Condor – How NSA Director Mike Rogers Saved The U.S. From a Massive Constitutional Crisis… Bottom line: he stopped long-running Obama-Clinton abuse of NSA against Trump but did so only after it was clear Trump had won.  Much more impressive would have been action BEFORE the election.