Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Full Text: Note on financial reform from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 2011-10-24 Vatican Radio Please find, below, an unofficial translation of the Note on the reform of the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority, released Monday by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. ****************** Pontifical …

Gordon Cook: On the State of Economics – An Exchange Dedicated to #OWS and Society Achieving a Broader Understanding

Here is the final paragraph from an essay by John Kay titled The Map is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics The preposterous claim that deviations from market efficiency were not only irrelevant to the recent crisis but could never be relevant is the product of an environment in which deduction …

Alessandro Politi: Need for Euro to Default As a Group, Nail the Banks and Restore Integrity of Global Economy (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Phi Beta Iota:  This brilliant analysis cuts deeply to two core points: that a tiny handful of banks have been controlling 90% of the debt and manipulating the destruction of economies — shorting the Euro as well as the US dollar — and that governments have not been acting together.  He neglects two fundamentals: the …

Patrick Meier: Ushahidi Emergent as Democracy in Being

Theorizing Ushahidi: An Academic Treatise Posted on October 2, 2011 by Patrick Meier [This is an excerpt taken from Chapter 1 of my dissertation] Activists are not only turning to social media to document unfolding events, they are increasingly mapping these events for the world to bear witness. We’ve seen this happen in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, …

John Steiner: Declaration of Occupation of NYC + Revolution USA RECAP

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City Posted on September 30, 2011 by NYCGA This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on september 29, 2011As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all …

G.I. Wilson: Killer Drones, Moral Disengagement, + War Crimes RECAP

The Psychology of Killer Drones – action against our foes; reaction affecting us G. I. Wilson Fabius Maximus, 28 September 2011 Summary:  We now have enough experience with drone warfare to study its effects.  Just as in physics, our actions affect ourselves as well as our targets. Social science research shows that drones are a gateway to moral disengagement dehumanization, …