Deep State Freaking Out Part III: Caitlin Johnston on DNC as a Subversive Negative Force Against Authentic Change Movements

The Democratic Party Exists To Co-Opt And Kill Authentic Change Movements Caitlin Johnston Democratic Party leaders are currently under fire for staging a ridiculous performative display of sympathy for George Floyd by kneeling for eight minutes while wearing Kente cloth, a traditional African textile. The streets of America are filled with protesters demanding a total …

Dan Schultz: Trump Is In Trouble — GOP Betraying the President!

I was on a two-hour Zoom call last night with some of the precinct captains in my legislative district, and several of the low-level, paid, “Trump Victory” “field coordinators” were on the call.  At one point, after I had made a few other points throughout the call about the sorry state of our Party, I …

State of the Nation: Staged Race War . . .

STAGED RACE WAR! Globalists Inflaming Racial Tensions After Heinous COVID-19 Crimes Exposed KEY POINTS: The American people have just experienced the worst 4 months in memory.  The exceedingly oppressive OPERATION COVID-19 has created a national climate marked by anger and frustration, rage and exasperation, rancor and indignation.  Clearly, the NWO globalists meticulously timed these racially …