Berto Jongman: Jeff Richelson’s Collection of Documents on Underground Facilities – Intelligence and Targeting Issues

Underground Facilities: Intelligence and Targeting Issues U.S. Intelligence: Hiding of Military Assets by “Rogue Nations” and Other States a Major Security Challenge for 21st Century U.S. Documents Describe Monitoring Effort Going Back to Early Cold War Years National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 439 UPDATE – September 23, 2013 Originally Posted – March 23, …

Paul Craig Roberts: Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals?

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals The goon thug psychopaths no longer only brutalize minorities–it is open season on all of us –the latest victim is a petite young white mother of two small children Paul Craig Roberts The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government. Full article …


Syria: Syrian ambassador to the UN Jaafari said, “Legally speaking Syria has become, starting today, a full member of the (chemical weapons) convention.” He made the statement after submitting relevant documents to the United Nations. He said President Bashar al-Asad signed a legislative decree on Thursday that “declared the Syrian Arab Republic approval to accede to the convention” …

Chuck Spinney: When a KGB President Lectures the USA — And Holds the Moral High Ground…Say What?

Who Benefits From America’s State of Perpetual War? Putin Lectures Obama by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, COUNTERPUNCH, SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 That our Noble Peace Prize winning President and the Congress needed a rational lecture [also attached below] on the need for a little common sense in foreign policy, from a graduate of the KGB, says a …

NIGHTWATCH: Astounding Syrian Concessions Protect Israel — US Analysts Dull [Ignorant] — World Edges Away from Brink of WWIII — NIGHTWATCH Tutorial for Dull Analysts

Syria: Update. Opposition sources say government forces attacked the hills around Ma’aloula village early on Monday under the cover of heavy shelling. The Christian village is reported to be almost empty after most of its residents fled following the arrival of the foreign-backed militants last week. According to a resident, who left the area in …

Marcus Aurelius: Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France

Collapse of American Influence Recalls Dis-Integration of Soviet Union, Fall of France By CONRAD BLACK | September 7, 2013 Not since the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, and prior to that the fall of France in 1940, has there been so swift an erosion of the world influence of a Great Power as …