2004 Stephen E. Arnold (US) New Opportunities: Update on New Technology

PLATINUM LIFETIME AWARD, Mr. Stephen E. Arnold For his constant demonstration of the utility of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) in the understanding of social networks, emerging technologies, and cultural realities.  As a world-renowned authority on information and communications, with a deep understanding of the public policy value of open source information, he has made himself …

2004 Kaplan (US) The Saudi Connection: How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Mr. David Kaplan OSS ’04: To Mr. David Kaplan, for his extraordinary exploitation of legal and ethical sources of information in the pursuit of investigative journalism on behalf of U.S. News & World Report.  His studies of North Korean government corruption and of Saudi Arabian government sponsorship of terrorism, represent the best …

2004 Tongeren (NL) A Need for a Global Alliance for Human Security

GOLDEN CANDLE AWARD: Mr. Paul van Tongeren OSS ’04: To Mr. Paul van Tongeren, leader, educator, advocate, and pioneer in the prevention and resolution of conflict.  As Executive Director of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention, his is a critical voice in facilitating peace through hinter-disciplinary study, cross-cultural communication, and the creation of Open Source …