Chuck Spinney: How Contemporary War “Reporting” Messes Up Your OODA Loops

The attached article is a very important and informative essay.  Patrick Cockurn describes how the media echo chamber warps the Orientation* of the public, as well as that of a government, to unfolding events in the so-called global war on terror that triggered by 9-11 and the continuously metastasizing instabilities the GWOT is unleashing.  I regard …

Eagle: Work at Risk from Water – Top Ten Cities Threatened with Disaster + Future of Water Overview Links

Under Water  Storms, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis — with more than half the world’s population now concentrated in cities, the economic threat of natural disasters in metropolitan areas looms ever larger. The 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northern Japan set a new standard for disaster with almost 20,000 people killed and a record $300 billion in economic …