Worth a Look: Dr. James Wilk, Change Agent

Personal Page at Oxford EXTRACT:  Armed with this conviction about “where the action is,” I found my philosophical research invariably led me into study and research within each of the scientific fields with which my conceptual inquiries shared a sufficiently long border, including inter alia neuroscience, cybernetics, complexity theory, semiotics, perceptual control theory, communication theory, …

Reference: Ken Bausch on Third Phase Science and Dialogic Design Science

FREE BLEEDING EDGE THINKING  —  ADVANCES IN ACHIEVING INTELLIGENCE WITH INTEGRITY Memorable Short-Cut:  http://tinyurl.com/GWU-3rdOrder 2012-03-04 Ken Bausch on Third Phase Science (Handout) 2012-03-04 Ken Bausch Third Phase Science (Slides) The George Washington University University Seminar on Reflexive Systems Friday, March 2, 2012 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm Funger Hall, Room 320, 2201 G Street NW A …