Preston James: White House About to Go Public on extraterrestrials?

Secret Space War V: Exopolitics Veterans Today, 22 July 2013 Recently there have been well founded rumors that the USG is now in the process of setting up an official Office for Exopolitics and considering several esteemed individuals from which to choose a director to run this new office. Exopolitics is the official, public admission …

Mini-Me: Uzbekistan Wants to Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia [We Do Not Make This Stuff Up] — Full Reading [English Below the Line] Makes Clear This Is A Manifesto — From Water to Genocide to Labor to Historical Grievances

Huh? Uzbekistan Media: We Should Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia A recent piece in Uzbekistan’s state-sanctioned media has advocated joining NATO and taking over the territory of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and most of the rest of Eurasia. The piece, published on, was taken down shortly after being published, but was preserved on  [PBI: English translation …

Berto Jongman: New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile + Cabal / Conspiracy Meta-RECAP

New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile Dr. Kevin Barrett PressTV, 13 July 2013 Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events. In short, …

Congressional Research Service — Index Frozen 2 JUNE 2015

NOTICE: We are suspending our update of this index. All CRS reports will continue to be offered at the Federation of American Scientists, and updated as new version are received, but we will not longer maintain this separate index.   Updated FAS new 2 June 2015. All links lead to Federation of American Scientists (FAS) …

Marcus Aurelius: Time for US to Get Serious About Setting Everyone Else “Ablaze”? — Sun Tzu Comment

Two articles follow:  one posits a seemingly global anti-US opposition, an Anti-American Network (AAN), and the other posits that political warfare is the answer to the Middle East portion of the problem.  IMHO, both are worth considering.  Further believe that, with respect to Boot & Doran’s approach, (a) coverage needs expansion to cover all the opponents Hirsch posits …

Berto Jongman: Security for the Internet of Things — Cars Can Be Hijacked and Used to Murder People — This Matters

Rethinking Security for the Internet of Things by Chris Clearfield Harvard Business Review, June 26, 2013 Cyber attacks, once primarily directed against networks to steal confidential information and wreak virtual havoc, have begun to expand and are now directly affecting the physical world. For example, the recent hacking of the Associated Press’s Twitter account by …