Robert Steele: Are Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko Going to Be Sued by President Donald Trump for Malicious Defamation, Perjury, & Tortious Interference? Paul Sperry Starts the Story, I Offer an Ending

As a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) clandestine service officer (spy), back in the day when men were real men and we were obscenely proud of having the highest rates of alcoholism, adultery, divorce, and suicide (I have 23 professional suicides on my list, it’s a serious problem), I am outraged to have a modern-day …

Mongoose: Trump’s deal for Israel-Palestine: Entrenched unequal rights and annexation

Trump’s deal for Israel-Palestine: Entrenched unequal rights and annexation Hugh Lovatt European Council on Foreign Relations The European Union has been clear that it cannot support a US plan that runs counter to internationally agreed parameters, international law, and past UN Security Council resolutions. The US plan is at odds with all these things. The …

Betty Boop: #GoogleGestapo — Google Atrocities in Detail

Google — a dictator unlike anything the world has ever known Story at-a-glance Robert Epstein is a Harvard trained psychologist who has exposed how Google is manipulating public opinion through their search engine so they can change the results of elections and many other important areas His research shows how Google is using new techniques …

James Fetzer: Impeachment Over — Manafort, Flynn, Stone to Be Exonerated — Brennan, Comey, McCabe Headed for Jail. Game, Set, and Match!

Impeachment Nearing Conclusion: Recent Developments Point to Outcome Phi Beta Iota: This is the single best summary of Democratic crimes to date, and why Trump, Manafort, Flynn, and Stone will all be exonerated and why Brennan, Comey, and McCabe are headed for jail. Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will not be re-elected.  Game, Set, and Match.

Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022

Trump Peace Plan – Sheer Genius – Israel Gone by 2022 TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times. President Donald Trump is a genius. The “new” Palestine Peace Plan is a promising …